“Just a Sad Xmas” drops on December 7, 2019!
Tori Roze on the COVER of The San Diego Troubadour!!!
Tori Roze: Raise Yourself Up!
Lady Brain Album Review: “Baggage Claim”
Boss Ladies – Album Review: Tori Roze and the Hot Mess, Baggage Claim Boss Ladies is back! Each article in this series is written by a member about a member. This week, Jules Stewart reviews Baggage Claim, the latest release from Tori Roze and the Hot Mess. San Diego band Tori Roze and the Hot Mess have been playing and recording music together for over […]

‘Baggage Claim’ Drops July 28th!
Howdy Hot Messenger, IT IS TIME: Our NEW ALBUM “Baggage Claim” has ARRIVED!!! We are STOKED to have this little puppy in our possession, but we want to make sure YOU get one, too. You are cordially invited to our CD RELEASE PARTY – Saturday July 28, 2018 @ Bar Pink in North Park (San […]

The Band Turns Ten!
Heya Hot Messengers! Good LAWD it has been a while since we last spoke, we’ve missed you terribly! Sometimes you have to fade into the background for a minute in order to reemerge new and rejuvenated. Life just keeps happening and you’ve got to learn to roll with it. And sometimes you get married…did I […]